Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue is also a full body experience, however, there might be a longer focus on a certain muscle group depending on your specific wellness goals. In cases of sciatic rehabilitation, upper crossed syndrome (tech-neck), or lower back pain, up to 30 minutes or more could be spent working to relieve tension and pain related to those conditions.
Heavier pressure is used throughout this modality but in a very skillful way. The goal is to isolate muscle groups to create an opportunity for muscle tightness to be released through long excursions with a heavy load on the targeted muscle surfaces. The stretch techniques used during these sessions are more assertive and goal oriented as well.
Clients sometimes want to schedule a deep tissue without fully understanding the nature of this modality. There is a difference between a deep pressure Swedish and a true deep tissue massage. The appropriateness of this treatment can be decided during the initial phone consultation. It is my goal to ensure my clients get exactly what they need. I won’t sell you deep tissue if you don’t need it.
60 minute session $90.00
75 minute session $100.00
90-minute session $120.00
120-minute session $160.00 (not available for a first appointment)